In 2017, the Technology Village Business Accelerator Board of Directors discussed ways to help new businesses in the county fast-track their business on the road to success. Over the past four years approximately 20 businesses have competed in annual Scott County FAST-TRACK Challenges, “Shark Tank” like business competitions, where they compete for start-up funds and professional services.

Past winners have included Ion Concert Media, a multimedia company based in Shakopee MN, which developed Muséik, a new digital sync software that makes it easy to synchronize digital media with live music; Medthera, developer of the “NeuroWalk”, a walk therapy station that allows those with mobility impairments to restore and maintain their health, Hobby Farmer Canning Company, maker of Switchel Fizz, an all-natural pre-biotic beverage that gives you energy, relieves inflammation, and is good for digestion and Euroworx Automotive Specialists, the only certified BMW Technician south of the Twin Cities, specializing in European automobiles and brining diagnostics to your home.

Runner-ups have included ugo wear LLC creators of UGO, the world’s 1st 100% Waterproof dry pouch bag & waterproof phone case that combines fashion, function and technology, Farmhouse Market which provides 24/7 access to members for local and organic food, and IntelligentRx a healthcare savings innovation company with a mission to increase access to affordable healthcare to everyone.
Plans are now underway for an enhanced 5th Annual Scott County FAST-TRACK Challenge (FTC), to be held on Thursday, October 21, 2021. Applications to this year’s event may be submitted online at: until August 31st. Finalists will be notified in September and receive assistance with practice pitches before the live event. Winners are awarded free mentorship, start-up funds and other professional services to help jump start their companies.
Jeff Cerise, of Hobby Farmer Canning Company noted, “There is nothing more valuable to a start-up company than an impartial board of Advisors. The FAST-TRACK Challenge gave us access to some incredibly sharp people that got us to think about “smart growth” rather than just growth.” He added, “Since winning the FTC, we’ve launched a completely new product line, expanded distribution to liquor stores, opened up an e-commerce website, protected some of our most important Intellectual property, and won another Good Food Award!”
Along with applicants for the 5th Annual FTC, Sponsors and Professional Service Providers are being sought. This is an opportunity to connect with entrepreneurs and give back to the business community.
For more information on the Scott County FAST-TRACK Challenge visit the website at: or contact Jo Foust at the Scott County CDA at